Cedarcest News & Events

Online K4 & K5 (Pre-School and Kindergarten) Request for Registration Appointment 2025-2026
We are thrilled to hear that you have selected Cedarcrest as your child(ren)’s elementary school. Please book an appointment using our online reservation system through the link below.
The link to the online form will be activated on January 27 at 7:00 AM. Completing the form will take approximately 5-10 minutes. This form allows parents to request a registration appointment for Pre-School and Kindergarten for the 2025-2026 school year.
Make a Registration Appointment
Once you make an appointment for your child, we will contact you to validate your information and provide further details. Appointments will be scheduled in the order registrations are received.
Please note that general registrations will be held between February3rd to February 7th, 2025 (by appointment only).
Contact us if you have any questions:
EMSB kicks off Black History Month & Hooked On School Week by honouring the late Dr. Horace I. Goddar

By: EMSB Communications
The English Montreal School Board is marking Black History Month with programming across the network. On Thursday, February 6 the EMSB held its formal kickoff at Parkdale Elementary School in St. Laurent in dedication to the late Dr. Horace I. Goddard, a former school teacher, principal and head office administrator and a leader in the Black community. This event also recognized Hooked on Schools Days (Journées de la perseverance scolaire), highlighting the value of staying in school and encouraging academic success. On hand was Réseau Réussite Montréal Executive Director Andrée Mayer-Périard.